Supercharged Soul - The These Animal Men unofficial website

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These Animal Men documentary

TAM myspace profile
TAM Messageboard
TAM on Wikipedia - I wrote this, so it may have holes - go ahead and edit!
Hooligan's Progress email group - click for more info.

Hooligan's Progress
"The Online Church of New Wave of New Wave." Extensive & interactive site on all things These Animal Men et al. Only the homepage seems to be there now, but hopefully it'll come back...

The Sound of Youth
Another quite large TAM site - features all the lyrics
New Wave
An Austrian TAM fansite
An Italian TAM page (Google's comedy attempt at translation here).
Shug's Britpop page
One man's take on TAM and co. Pleasingly manages not to mention NWONW
There's also links to a few site's that hold TAM music from the tabs page.
After TAM

The Orphans

Mo Solid Gold #1
Simon Jones' unofficial MSG site - Good looking, & was the first on the web.

Unofficial Mo Solid Gold
Good content, along with a cool interview: All the post split questions touched on...

Other bands
Miss Black America
Strawberry Blondes
Nothing to do with any of that
My personal site

To add a link or report a dud please contact me.