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Here's all the messages left by previous visitors, I'm a bit crap
at getting round to posting them but they're worth reading, so pop
back occasionally:
Good work fella. I to was a TAM fan I kind of caught on late but
for the short time they were around while I was into them (before
life support machine). I was obsessed…And probably still am.
Hence idly passing time in the office I stray from my work to find
your site. I think I’ve got pretty much everything they released,
but missed out on ever seeing them live. Sadly Cambridge isn’t
on the top of many bands tour list. Thank you so much for keeping
the flame burning and reminding me of a simpler time when I modelled
myself on Julian the Hooligan, a time when I had hair and could
drink all night pogo to the latest new wave hits and get up at 8am
the next morning to buy singles without thinking it was a ridiculous
notion because for a few pounds more I could have the album. Cheers
Tom. Oh and what its worth Hooligans progress was the best track
even if it was a B Side. Although I almost had some of the lyrics
from sharp kid tattooed on me at one point.
Hi Mat, had one of those moments yesterday, that happens every
couple of years, where I go on a massive bout of nostalgia, so instead
of working I went on the web to surf for amongst other things TAM.
I was glad to see your site still there and still current. I've
already posted a message (back in 2003). First off big respect to
you, you're doing a great job....and now for a wee story.....
I had my own very minor success playing drums for a dreadful US
rock band signed to a Japanese label (long story) in 1999. The band
were playing chilli peppers type stuff, expecting me to do a chad
smith number in muscle vests...but the whole time I was wearing
skinny fit addidas tops, samba trainers and eyeliner....frustratin
the hell outta them....needless to say I got sacked after about
6 months...anyway we were playing one night in a club called Goldfinger
in LA or SanFran can't remember which (i can remember it was pretty
grim though) where I spot this guy wearing a londsdale t-shirt who
just looks like he should have been the 5th member of TAM. So i
went up to him and asked him, "have you ever heard of band
called TheseAnimalMen?" and he literally explodes telling me
that they're his most favorite band ever and that he met them all
when they had been out to California. He'd dyed his hair black and
could pretty much recite every lyric from memory.
I remember thinking that it was just amazing what influence a couple
of guys from Brighton could have on the world. Here I was 4 years
after the TAM wave had collapsed, trying so hard to imagine I'm
touring with them and not the Chilli Peppers Clone Disaster (the
band was called 2BL) and here's this guy in this half empty club
in the middle of nowhere totally addicted to TAM.......probably
doesn't make for a great story so I'll understand if you don't post
it, but its great to reminisce sometimes! It was a brilliant adventure
to be a fan of TAM in the 90s....thanks again for a great site...
Tony C
Great site mate! 37, sat at work bored out of my head, just typed
in a search for TAM and came up with your site. Dusted down all
the old records, played high society today. This record more than
stands the test of time and is still far superior to anything in
the charts today (Kaiser Chiefs win Brits and NME awards?what the
f…), bar Greenday. Listened to a bit of SMASH as well, very
pleasant memories. The early to mid 90s was a great period for british
music, just a shame that the NWONW tag was a death sentence for
a lot of good bands.I always thought TAM were a hybrid between MSP
and Blur, taking the best elements from both bands. Somebody should
have the nerve to re-release some of these tracks as they still
sound great. 2nd album was a stunner as well. Cheers, Steve Ml….leicester
Jesus! This website is easily better than that of most contemporary
bands.Has made me dig out my old TAM collection, resolve to buy
the later stuff and generally smarten up my act. Hats off!
Hi, Great site-never thought I'd find one on them-what took me
so long?Crap search engines I think......Saw them at Dingwalls and
my mate took some great photos.Then at the Mean Fiddler with The
Creation-what a gig that was!Any news in 2006? Matt xx
Love your site! took a trip down memory lane
today and listed to a load of t.a.m. Tyler, Canada
Hi I've looked at this web site a fair bit in the past, thought
I say thanks! and keep up the good work. I first got into TAM when
Accident & Emergency came out and I seen them at the Charlote
in Leicester, I spent the whole gig just looking in amazement. My
mate lent me all the TAM records (although very reluctantly) after
listening to them I releasized why, I quickly handed them back to
him and appologized for taking them out of his sight for two day's.
I then obviously bought the lot myself, I now never travel without
them. The problem I found with TAM is it made the rest of my record
collection obselete! Anyway time went by and then Mo Solid Gold
appeared, we followed them arround like a couple of weirdo's, even
got quite freindly with Julian and Rob. It's funny really millions
of people would love to meet their music hero's like Brian Adams,
Elton John and all those other 'Pretend' rock and roll bands. We
met our hero's in the back of an old pub whilst drinking the beer
rider and smoking fags that was real the band was real and the rock
and roll was real. Long live TAM, the best band in the world and
the average joe never heard of them. Jay.G
just been revisiting the nwonw era . ended up tracking down a copy
of TAM's second album as the passion came flooding back after a
few spins of their debut. damn its good stuff. so much better than
the current pretenders to the indiepunkguitar noise that nme loves.
naturally ended up at your corner. excellent site, ta! mark e
Hi there, Thought i'd email ya as went on your these animal men
site, and thought it was ace, nico one! I saw them play the leisure
lounge in london and they were brilliant, amazing live, was just
listenin' to their "too sussed" ep, still roocckkksss!
What happened to them? Are they still in Brighton? Much better than
a lot of the overrated wank that's about nowadays! Respect man,
keep up good work! charliexx
i was on these animal men.com because i go on it all the time its
ace! also i met hooligan on thursday night
at a reformed smash gig, he was really nice! thank you for your
time. Edward S 26/10/05
thanks for the website....i am 38, got tons of records over 100
Northern Soul singles, ska, calypso, Vic Godard, Creation, Who,
Jesus & mary Chain, Super Furry Animals....ie a lot of different
styles...but one band i keep returning to which excite me (&
not a lot does nowdays) is TAM. Saw em a couple of times, once with
the Buzzcocks at the Astoria & also at The Garage in at Highbury
Corner, couldnt take my eyes off them ... never seen a band "thowing
shapes" like they did. Music nowdays is tired & going round
in circles & although TAM werent ground breakers they were still
exciting & their records are very very underrated. One note
of caution...Glastonbury 95 was a bit of disaster !! Steve 12.08.05
I'm a 26 year old whose just been dusting off the old TAM stuff
and playing the records again. Totally forgot what a superb band
they were, never saw them live but the likes of Too Sussed? Sharp
Kid, Jobs For The Boys etc etc really put a huge, huge smile on
my face... especially Come On Join The High Society and S*M*A*S*H
are another band i've just starting to listen to again, although
TAM are superior and stand the test of time better. I listen to
the much heralded Libertines and to be honest i think TAM were a
much better band, and no one seems to remember them... what a shame.
I'm a house DJ now and i run a dance music label so they're a million
miles away from my current musical world but i certainly won't let
these TAM records gather dust again. Respect for the site, cheers.
EM. 09.08.05
Hey, i´m Diego from Argentina, what the fuck happenned to
this band ?, you got a couple of fans here... please...reform. comeback.
release an album of demos or new songs or whatever... Can someone
give me the name of five records that are better than high society
in the last ten years ? Well, sorry for my deficient english, all
i want to say is please reform. and knew that you got a couple of
fans here. Diego. 11.04.05
I'm over the moon that there is a site dedicated to this wonderful
yet underated band. Iris L. 03.06.05
Great site! Any word what the lads from TAM and MSG are up to
now? What great bands they were. Such a shame they didn't get the
recognition they deserved. All the best. Matt H. 05.01.04
(Note: Very few messages from the 2004 as the
contact form broke and I didn't realise for ages - *sorry*)
4 new Men songs! Words can not express how happy that makes me.
You're a legend! Keep up the Sterling work mate! Steve P. 01.10.03
Blinding site mate! Was a massive fan of TAM and then MSG. Sad
that they never got the acclaim they so richly deserve. I'd pay
loads for a TAM one-off gig! Matt H. 27.08.03
Really can't get enough of T.A.M. At 19 think i must b one of there
youngest fans, it's all about the youth though and being an art
student have definately been influenced by their style (clothes
and hair especially).Also produced some hooligan prints, which i
would like to get online.
Still am not tired of listening to T.A.M. They make me feel great,
pure glam rock and roll played by people i can relate to.
One of my mates sold me some of his older sisters indie records
on the cheap when i was about 15 so he could get some quick cash.
As it happened he threw in come join the high society for free.
Had no idea what it was, just remember playing it over and over.
knew nothing about them but i knew they sounded great!Anyway thats
how it all started, unfortunately i had missed them as a band by
then by a good couple years. Also thanks for keeping the site up,
has been my only decent reference, great downloads, pics and info
thank u! Steven N. 01.07.03
Hi... Just stumbled across your site, after recently re-discovering
all my TAM stuff - good to know someone still cares! I saw the band
three times in 1994, but lost interest a bit (well, quite a lot)
from 1995 onwards... Playing 'High Society' again made me realise
just how good they are/were. Just got 'Accident & Emergency'
from eBay (I know, shocking that I don't already have it!). Anyway,
keep up the good work... Dave 02.06.03
Yeah they were a truly great band, I followed them like a sheep
dog for about 5 years (how embarassing). I jammed with Steve a few
times wen I was at school, he is truly an ace drummer, though I
have lost contact with him now. I'm not really sure Julian and Rodger
did themselves justice in MSG. I think I'll put speedking on and
reminisce about my college mirror, hehe.. Tony C 31.03.03
Hi. This is Stevie the drummer. I would
just like to say THANKYOU! xx The website is brilliant. You have
stuff there that I had either forgotten about or didn't know of
in the first place. Hazy dayz! 17.02.02
To the man doing a great service by keeping this site on the up
and up.... thanks! I discoved TAM on a hut/vernon yard compilation
I stumbled upon back in 95 and quickly became smitten. I had pretty
much everything I could grab, clutch, or eke out living on the left
coast and hoping to see TAM live one day. alas, i miss them and
its great your site is keeping tabs. My point is this...my cd collection
was recently nabbed by some soulless fuckwits and my TAM collection
went with the bastards. is there anywhere online or otherwise i
can replenish my need for new soul? s.o.s. from los angeles, Robert
II started today by mp3ing my TAM vinyl, this led me to wonder;
What happened to TAM? A search on the net brought me here. I must
addmit, I am very suprised that there is a TAM site but also very
pleased. Nice site!! Chris. 17.07.02
Your sites good, this band are /were fuckin fantastic and there
songs have so much soul.I never got a chance to see them live! Oliver.
Just the other day. Dug out High Society and was blown- away. It
sounds so much better with age and is better than anything that
is "happening" now. Great site, man! William. 01.04.02
What a band! Soundtracked my youth. Check out my band the obsession
if you want the next in the lineage - MC5 insurrection, velvets
cools, stooges attitude and blazing live shows. www.theobsession.co.uk
But TAM - sadly missed. Matt. 30.01.02
Hi there, yes TAM is still my favorite band...the best I´ve
ever seen (even live supporting carter usm, I think it was 94/95?!!!)
best sound, best lyrics, energy, style and haircuts. well, but there
is somethink I´ve never got: TAM live on video-tape!!! so
if somebody know how/where to get that, please contact me!!!. ah
yes MOG is also a great band. I can´t really seperate that,
I´m too faithful. so all the best to all TAM fans out there!
bye*** Cid. 28.01.02
I normally wouldn't do this sort of thing but I have to leave
a message, it just can't be denied. I am so insanely happy to find
a living memory of the band that made it all real. Every time I
play their records a huge smile creeps across my face and I find
myself grinning inanely at no-one in particular. So thank you. In
fact ! ! ! if anyone here has, or knows where i could get the red
skinny fit "Speedking" t-shirt that matches my grey marl
These Animal Men (Lonsdale logo style) shirt I would love to hear.
I could only afford one or the other off my pocket money at the
time and that bloody ginger crusty guy in HMV grunted that they
wouldn't order any more by the time I had saved up . . . . . grrrrrrrrrr.
I didn't trust him. Liam Jude. 12.01.02
So glad to find this site. tam were also a huge part of my life
in my formative years (can you say 'tam quote next to my picture
in the senior yearbook?') and i still think they're one of the most
underrated bands ever. i never got to see them live, though. drat.
Polarbear. 14.12.01
MATE!!! It's been a long time. I found me old T.A.M stuff and thought
hmmmmmm. They were the best for a young 17 year old back then hey!
Just want to say... well! Good foooooking Idea bud to do this site.
So glad there are old Sharp kids still out there. I am 25 almost
now and...well...NICE ONE!!! - Nic Brennan. 09/10/01
They were my life once upon a time. I was smitten. - Steph Waghorn.
Wow. i'm amazed. thank you, i thought those days were over. great
to see some attitude in these watery days of travis and stereophonics.
i should
probably be looking harder. check www.theobsession.co.uk - Phil
Canning 20/09/01
I am glad to see that somebody is updating the world on this great,
and sadly overlooked band! keep it up, for shit's sake!!!!!! i love
exclamation points!! - Pinkerton Parsons. 31/07/01
Blimey, what are the chances of that? I was sitting as bored as
sin and for no reason at all I decided to type in theseanimalmen.com
and see what happened, needless to say I was shocked to find that
someone cared about the band as much as I did back in the days of
my youth. I was even more shocked to find that it was a recent site
and not just a few jumbled images like these old relics from the
early days of the internet. I was and am impressed. Exactly what
or why I am writing this I dont know, maybe I have just drunk
too much coffee or something? - Adam Fayers. 30/07/01
Hooray! I was really worried that everyone would forget about These
Animal Men. I've been addicted to '...High Society' for as long
as I can remember, but only 1 other person shares my enthusiasm,
and he lives 200 miles away from me now. Why were they never famous?
Why are we still allowing the Manics to embarass themselves in public,
yet no-one gives a toss about the supercharged skinnies who at least
changed my life, if not the whole generation they hoped to influence?
Take care, love from Seymour xxx P.S. - My band's called Miss Black
America - our website's www.missblackamerica.net, but I don't know
if you'll like us. 18/07/01
hey maaaaaaaaan, im from detroit, i had the pleasure of seeing
TAM in a tiny place here back in 95...only 5 people were at the
show...it was BRILLIANT....i still listen to their records all the
time and me and my mates use it to remember our whole college life,
i reckon. the site looks really good now. CHEERS------Syed. 18/07/01
Stephen McKee: good work! TAM / MSG are the greatest
rock'n'roll band to walk the planet. 12/06/01
Daniel Payne, Guildford; "Accident & Emergency
was certainly one of the best LPs of the last decade." 2000/11/15
Paul R, England/London; "TAM were the best...especially
live..Happy Days." 2000/11/13
julia, germany; "that`s the secret and evil truth...reform
these animal men!" 2000/11/04
Claudia, Bilbao (Spain); "To tell you the truth
i knew them a bit later (´96) but like it is said in my country
" better late than never". Just congratulate on you for your site.
Love Claudia" 2000/09/08
Phiz, UK; "Boag was my best mate from primary
school right up to the end of sixth form. He always said he would
be a Rock Star. Everyone laughed. Mr Triggs, If you're still alive
you old tosser, read this site and weep." 2000/08/14
the eggster, bristol; "Classic band reform you
buggers!" 07:51:38 2000/07/27
terminal girl, Norwich, "Fantastic tribute to
a phenominal band! I miss them but have big hopes for Mo Solid Gold..they
should just get back to their roots and do a huge tour of the country's
smallest seediest venues." 2000/04/15
miss inga, north london; "glad my descriptions
were of some use, but the more i read them - the worse i feel for
being so darn critical!!" 15:29:32 99/12/13